
10QS with Meagan McGill, Program Manager

Audible, Jurassic Park, and a meal made with friends [...]

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The internet is vast. What’s your happy place?
Audible. I try to take a walk every morning before work, and I love using this time to listen to books.

What’s your idea of a perfect meal?
Any meal made with friends. The photo below was an evening when a group of us made a few Ottolenghi recipes.

Which fictional or historical character do you most relate to?
One of my favorite fictional characters has always been Laura Dern’s Ellie in Jurassic Park. I’m not sure that I relate to her exactly, but I have always admired her character. She faces conflict fearlessly regardless of the risk. She’s clever in all situations and was the first representation of a woman in STEM that I remember seeing on screen.

Who is your hero? (dead or alive)
My parents. They are consistent examples of how impactful everyday acts of kindness can be.

Imagine that every type of creature, real or imaginary, is tameable. What would you bring home?
A rhinoceros. I once saw one playing in the mud, and it was love at first sight.

You receive an all-access pass to one city. Where do you go?
Rome. I would love unlimited access to learn from all the kitchens and explore the history of the city.

Technology makes Westworld-style theme parks a reality. What “world” would you buy a ticket to?
Some sort of ocean world would be amazing. The possibility of exploring all the depths of the ocean and the wildlife within it (without worrying about being eaten or drowning) would be incredible.

You’re granted a 25th hour every day. What do you do with it?
It would be an hour spent outside (can I specify that it be sunny and warm as well?). I’d spend it at the lake, riding my bike, or just walking to grab dinner in my neighborhood.

Whether or not you knew it at the time, at which moment in your life did you make the most pivotal decision?
Coming to Quigley was an unexpectedly pivotal moment for me. I had no idea at the time how much I would learn and grow (and continue to do so) here.

Under-the-radar recommendation. What do you love that more people should? (Movie, book, artist, podcast, restaurant, etc.)
I will preface this by saying that I am unsure if any of these are under-the-radar, but to me, they all deserve more recognition. Modern Love (the book by Daniel Jones), Lucy Laucht (photographer), and DeSano Pizza Bakery.



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