LAPD case study

Raising Awareness for Domestic Violence

The Challenge

The LAPD teamed up with L.A.’s mayor to tackle domestic violence in Los Angeles—an underreported scourge that they wanted to shine a light on in order to increase reports and, therefore, help more victims.

The Insight

Too often domestic violence awareness ads feature victims, with images of their brutalization only adding to the trauma. What is needed is an honest depiction of the patterns to watch for, and to communicate how insidious it is within relationships across the spectrum of gender, race, sexuality and socioeconomic levels.

The Solution

Our campaign underscored the disconnect between romance and the realities of abusive behavior—the tempers that turn a love poem into a threat, or a text into a narrative of control. By juxtaposing those moments where you might expect love, but instead find danger, we could then make clear, through our tagline, that “Domestic Violence Has No Place Here.” Visuals were simple, but powerful. The language, shocking. Just what was needed to wake Angelenos up to a hidden problem.


The Impact

Triple-digit growth in website visits that shared valuable resources for domestic violence victims.
Campaign launch press conference with Chief of Police and LA Mayor garnered additional earned media.
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